Professional Wedding
Videography & Photography
Thank you for considering us as your Videographers & Photographers. With Shade Video, we provide Videography & Photography services that are fully customisable to your needs and style.
Wedding Highlights
for 4 hours
4K Resolution Camera
Copyrights to Music
3-4 Min. Cinematic Reel
One Videographer
Ideal Rehearsal
Dinners or Ceremony Only
Full Wedding Video
for 8 hours
4k Resolution Camera
Audio Recording
Wedding Highlighting Presentation, Wedding Ceremony
Wedding Highlights
for 8 hours
4k Resolution Camera
Highlight includes Copyrights to Music
5-6 Min. Cinematic Video Reel
Wedding Highlights
for 6 hours
4k Resolution Camera
Copyrights to Music
4-5 Min. Cinematic
One Videographer
What is the booking process?
Once you decide to move forward with us, let us know your chosen package and any additional details. We will send you a quote and an invoice. Upon signing the contract and paying the deposit (50%), your date will be reserved. The final payment (50%) is due before your wedding day.
Do you charge for travel expenses?
Yes, we charge for travel expenses outside of New Jersey. These costs will be billed separately and vary depending on the distance. We strive to choose economical options for travel. Check our travel section to see if we will already be in your area.
How do you choose the music for our video, and can we have input?
Music selection is crucial to our creative process. We ensure the music complements your film and matches your unique energy. While we welcome your preferences, we ask for some creative freedom to choose the final tracks.
What is your cancellation policy?
The payment is non-refundable. If you cancel within 30 days of your wedding, you are still obligated to pay the full invoice amount, even if the service is not rendered.
What is your filming style?
Our filming style is cinematic and participatory, capturing every emotion from tears to laughter. We aim to create an artistic and timeless film that you will cherish for years to come.
What advice do you have for couples on their wedding day?
Our biggest advice is to trust us and stay present. Enjoy your day without worrying about the details of filming. We will capture every important moment with careful attention.
What is your delivery timeline?
Please allow 6 to 10 weeks after your wedding to receive your video and 2 to 8 weeks for photo delivery.
Do you have a payment plan?
Yes, we can organize a payment plan that splits your payments into four installments. Let us know if this suits you.
Can we keep our video/photos private and off social media?
Of course. If you prefer not to have your video or photos shared on social media, we will respect your wishes.